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Mammillaria Cactus

Mammillaria Cactus
Mammillaria Cactus
Mammillaria Vetula is commonly known as thimble cactus which forms a cluster of slender, cylindrical stems, each covered with stiff white spines. From spring to early autumn, creamy-white bell shaped flowers may form, possessing pinkish-brown midstripes. While all plants benefit from additional nutrients, Thimble mammillaria only needs a light dose of fertilizer during the growing season.
As low as Rs. 1100.00

Mammillaria Vetula is commonly known as thimble cactus which forms a cluster of slender, cylindrical stems, each covered with stiff white spines.  From spring to early autumn, creamy-white bell shaped flowers may form, possessing pinkish-brown midstripes. While all plants benefit from additional nutrients, Thimble mammillaria only needs a light dose of fertilizer during the growing season. This plant grows best in full sun or bright direct light, appreciating some afternoon shade in hot weather. Small offshoots can form new plants. Grow in a well-drained cactus mix; adding grit for extra drainage helps, but they are tough plants that tolerate a variety of conditions.  Stop watering in the winter and move to a colder location in order to encourage flowering in the spring.

Tap water contains a lot of calcium, magnesium, and other mineral salts. Long-term use tends to cause soil compaction. Avoid splashing water on its stem when watering to prevent rotting. Roots of thimble mammillaria are very sensitive to oxygen deficiency.  If the soil is poorly permeable to air and water, root rot can set in. It's easy to judge permeability: when watering, water should pass through the medium quickly, rather than stop at the soil surface and slowly seep down. Repot and loosen the soil every year to ensure the air permeability of the soil.

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